My name is Chloe I am from Tauranga and I am 4 years old. I live with bronchiectasis and asthma. Chloe was diagnosed with Bronchiectasis at 3yrs old in August 2016. She suffered from repeated chest and breathing issues since about 5months old when she was first admitted to Tauranga Hospital with Bronchioloitis. Chloe continued to have many hospital admissions with bronchiolitis, rsv and viral wheeze. She started reliever inhalers at 9months old and was placed on a preventer inhaler at 13months old which she all still takes. At the age of two she was diagnosed with asthma. In July 2015 Chloe contracted a severe case of Influenza A, which left her hospitalised with breathing problems. Chloe took 2 months to fully recover from this illness. In August 2016 Chloe was referred to Starship hospital where she was diagnosed with Bronchiectasis in both her lungs, and low antibodies to the Pneumococcal vaccine for which she has booster injections for. She does daily physio consisting of chest percussion for 20minutes once a day and bubble PEP once a day, chest percussion in increased to twice a day when she is sick or on antibiotics, when she also has Saline through the nebuliser to help break up and loosen secretions. If Chloe is sick or has a bad cough she goes on a 3-4 week course of oral antibiotics and if they don’t work then she starts IV antibiotics. Chloe often gets tired and fatigued towards the end of the day more so than a normal child. She still has a daytime nap every day. Despite living with asthma and bronchiectasis Chloe is a fun loving wee girl who takes everything in her stride, She is a great swimmer and is very confident in the water, she loves attending preschool when she is well enough and Loves Peppa pig! | |